Overhearing conversations identified the words “woo nut” and “coo nut”. Is this some new form of teenage lingo or secret girl talk not yet discovered? “What are these woo nuts and coo nuts you’re talking about?”. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about”. “Well, I just overheard you talking about some boy and you said the words ‘woo nut’,”. “Oh, I said I woo nut go out with that guy if he was the last boy on earth and my friend said that I coo nut be that picky,”. “Oh, you were saying ‘wouldn’t’ and couldn’t’,”. “Yeah! Woo nut and coo nut,”. See the full article by Donnie Johnston at:-http://www.fredericksburg.com/news/local/columns/donnie-johnston-some-mystery-words-will-drive-you-nuts/article_10dab6f1-bb6a-5157-b10f-d45b0fb3d989.html
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