Macadamias – Australia’s Prized Possession

Macadamias – Australia’s Prized Possession

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Nothing can be more Aussie than Macadamias. Every day, we get international visitors flooding into our stores across W.A wanting to buy Macadamias after having heard of tales about this great Australian nut. If you have been a fan of Morish Nuts for the past few years, you would have noticed that we heavily favour Macadamias and use every opportunity to feature this magnificent nut. Native to north-eastern New South Wales and central and south-eastern Queensland, Macadamias are known by names such as bauple, gyndi, jindilli and boombera to Indigenous Australians. These sweet and crunchy nuts grow in abundance in Australia. A typical Macadamia tree reaches up to 15 meters in height. It reaches maturity and begins to produce fruit around the seventh year of plantation. There are at least seven species of macadamias grown in Australia but only two produce edible fruit. Each fruit is 0.5 to 1 inch in diameter and consists of a husk enveloping around a single kernel. The edible kernel is white and has a smooth buttery surface. The smooth and buttery taste of Australian Macadamias make them the perfect ingredient to add flavour and texture to dishes. The versatility of Macadamias enables them to be easily incorporated into stir-fries, desserts, salads, dips and sauces and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Macadamias not only taste good but they are extremely healthy for you. In fact, doctors recommend you to incorporate Macadamias into your regular diet. They are a rich source of energy with 100g of nuts providing about 718 calories. These nuts are packed with numerous health-benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health and wellbeing. Here are four reasons why you should follow a Macadamia rich diet:
  1. Zero Cholesterol – Macadamia nuts are the only nuts that have no cholesterol. They have very little or no omega 6 or harmful fatty acids and are instead loaded with heart healthy monosaturated acids which clean up the arteries, control cholesterol and keep the heart in great shape. They take care of the foremost concern that comes along with eating nuts – their unhealthy fat and cholesterol content.
  2. Weight Loss – Many people associate macadamia nuts with weight gain but that is a misconception. Macadamia nuts contain the essential fats, which speed up metabolism and help you burn fat much faster than normal.
  3. Reduces hunger pangs – The fatty oils and the delicious taste of macadamia nuts along with the high fiber content helps you get full faster and controls hunger pangs and cravings.
  4. Strong Bones – Macadamia nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals that contribute to stronger bones and teeth. They have enough calcium, phosphorous and omega 3 to keep problems like osteoporosis away.